evergrey 简历 – 名人简历


  1996年,这个来自瑞典的五人前卫金属乐团成立于哥德堡,他们师法前辈Dream Theater、Symphony X、Threshold,以前卫的曲式、古典的风格融合卓越的技巧和深奥的歌词故事内容,发展出属于自己的音乐风格。


  Progressive/Power Metal 前卫金属乐坛里充斥着太多的乐队,他们以结构繁复,曲目冗长而自以为出色,实际上一无是处。音乐被当成了一种显示的手段,除非听者是乐手本人,否则只会在聆听时感到乏味而了无生趣。瑞典的Evergrey是其中的另类。他们在主唱Tom S. Englund的带领下,以发人深省的歌词,独特的歌曲结构,当然还有出类拔萃的音乐技巧在这个领域拓展出了自己的一片天地。Englund的嗓音变化多端,从迷人的净嗓到粗糙强力的正宗金属之音都运用的游刃有余。乐队的风格融和了旋律化的前卫金属和传统金属,并恰到好处的加入了一些优美的民谣曲风,可以说他们完全创立了属于自己的风格,其独特的幽暗冰冷的气质在金属界可谓独树一帜。

  第一张专辑《The Dark Discovery》于1998年由Gothenburg Noiseworks发行,翌年发行第二张专辑《Solitude Dominance Tragedy》,这两张作品为他们奠定了良好的基础。2000年更换东家改迁德国前卫金属名厂Inside Out,2001年发行《In Search For Truth》,知名度渐行远播,2003年发表概念专辑《Recreation Day》,跻身为前卫金属一线团体。


The Dark Discovery – 1998

1. Blackened Dawn2. December 26th3. Dark Discovery4. As Light is Our Darkness5. Beyond Salvation6. Closed Eyes7. Trust and Betrayal 8. Shadowed9. When the River Calls10. For Every Tear That Falls11. To Hope is to Fear

Solitude Dominance Tragedy – 1999

1. Solitude Within2. Nosferatu3. The Shocking Truth4. A Scattered Me5. She Speaks to the Dead6. When Darkness Falls7. Words Mean Nothing8. Damnation9. The Corey Curse

In Search of Truth – 2001

1. The Masterplan2. Rulers of the Mind3. Watching the Skies4. State of Paralysis5. The Encounter6. Mark of the Triangle7. Dark Waters8. Different Worlds9. Misled

Recreation Day – 2003

1. The Great Deceiver2. End Of Your Days3. As I Lie Here Bleeding4. Recreation Day5. Visions6. I’m Sorry (Dilba cover)7. Blinded8. Fragments9. Madness Caught Another Victim10. Your Darkest Hour11. Unforgivable

The Inner Circle – 2004

1. A Touch Of Blessing2. Ambassador3. In The Wake Of The Weary4. Harmless Wishes5. Waking Up Blind 6. More Than Ever7. The Essence Of Conviction8. Where All Good Sleep9. Faith Restored10. When The Walls Go Down11. I’m Sorry (Live&Acoustic)12. Recreation Day (Live&Acoustic)13. Madness Caught Another Victim (Live&Acoustic)

A Night To Remember – 2005

1. Intro2. Blinded3. End of Your Days4. More Than Ever5. She Speaks to the Dead6. Rulers of the Mind7. Blackend Dawn8. Waking Up Blind9. As I Lie Here Bleeding10. Misled11. Mark of the Triangle12. When The Walls Go Down13. Harmless Wishes14. Essence of Conviction15. Solitude Within16. Nosferatu17. Recreation Day18. For Every Tear That Falls19. Touch of Blessing20. The Masterplan

Monday Morning Apocalypse – 2006

1. Monday Morning Apocalypse2. Unspeakable3. Lost4. Obedience5. The Curtain Fall6. In Remembrance7. At Loss For Words8. Till Dagmar9. Still In The Water10. The Dark I Walk You Through11. I Should12. Closure







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